19 thoughts on “Black and White Sunday

  1. Love the spots and stripes! So perfect in black and white!

  2. emma says:

    Wow, that first one is almost hard on the eyes! Interesting combination!

  3. MelF says:

    LOL! The ear one got me. So funny!
    Love the spots and stripes too. Nice black and white photos!

  4. Lot the spots and stripes :-) 2nd photo made us smile :-) Happy Black n White Sunday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  5. Sniffing pee-mail unites us all 😉 And good pointing job! Happy B&W Sunday.

  6. Marie says:

    Really cute!

    Happy Sunday :)

  7. Very cute loved the shadows! Love Dolly

  8. BOL!!! Love those ears, those ears!!!

  9. Marquie says:

    So adorable! I love that first picture. Such cuties they are.

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