Matilda’s Progress


Matilda is doing well. Her fur has a lovely thickness and fuzziness to it. Her face is calmer and more alive. She is a little debilitated in the leg department! Her arthritis and slight neurological impairment slows her down, but she remains dedicated to seeking out all people and dogs who are walking on the sidewalk near us.  She  is strong, and if she wants to sniff additional blades of grass,  she will not listen to me as I urge her to come, even if I pull gently on the leash.  That shows her determined spirit and appreciation of the finer things in life (sniffing and sauntering and making friends). Later, in the evenings, after her dinner, she stares at me intensely and then begins her campaign with little high pitched barks. She wants all kinds of treats. Last night she was able to get 9 treats! Sweet potato chews are a nice addition. There are many others.

Her love-interest, Coby, is doing well, but is still healing from his infection, and has not been able to get together for their post-chemo reunion. We will keep everyone posted.