18 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. Bethany says:

    Seeking treats? :)

  2. Piranha Banana says:

    What a beauty!’

    Happy New Year – WOOF WOOF!

  3. Seek, what do you, my young padawan?

  4. Tiffany says:

    Hey, I have a quick question I wanted to ask you about your blog, do you think you could send me an email when you get this? Thanks! Tiffany

    • Terry Cramer says:

      Hi Tiffany. It looks like you are advertising something, so I wasn’t comfortable e-mailing you, but feel free to ask me anything about my dog in the comments and I will respond there. Thanks!

  5. Looks like someone is seeking healthy dog treats.

  6. Marquie says:

    And a cutie! You’re a cutie-pie too! 😉

  7. What a beautiful story and such a great tribute to her. I recently lost my Therapy Dog as well. In a conversation with one of her friends and fellow volunteers, they told me not enough people got to meet her and really re-affirmed all the joy she brought to others. I am sure she touched so many…Therapy Dogs are so special..seeking someone in need…she is there…

    • Terry Cramer says:

      Thank you for your reply. What sad days we go through when they go. Just last night, a neighbor was remembering how she saw that all the people in the neighborhood were so drawn to Matilda. She has such a huge number of friends!

  8. Such a cute dog! That bandanna is adorable. Red works well with the dog’s coloring.

  9. houndstooth says:

    You’re an awfully cute seeker! I hope you found what you were looking for!


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