Sepia Saturday


The trees remain spare and bleak in the grey sky. Even sepia cannot bring them warmth. They wait.




What a scene. Kessie happens by an older Volvo. Sepia steps in to make a statement.


Old fashioned street scene

Old fashioned street scene


Thanks to Ruckus the Eskie for hosting this blog hop.



11 thoughts on “Sepia Saturday

  1. Hi Y’all!

    Very vintage. Love it.

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  2. emma says:

    The older Volvo is perfect for Sepia.

  3. Great sepia shots! Have a wonderful day!

  4. Happy Sepia Saturday.

    It was nice to see you visit our blog. Might we suggest you add a link your blog on your Blogger profile? If we didn’t have your link bookmarked, we wouldn’t have found your blog. :)

  5. I’m making my late rounds to say hi to all on the Saturday Sepia hop! HAHA even sepia can’t bring warmth! I like that. (and you are right!)

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