Thoughtless Thursday: Husky Plus What?


Livvie here, reporting from New York, news from Colorado

Livvie here, reporting from New York, news from Colorado



Hi  folks, Livvie the Rat Terrier here. (Representative of Matilda’s Journey). Ok, so yesterday mom showed you a picture of a “dog” named Cloud, and asked if anyone could figure out what breeds she was. A lot of people guessed Husky, and they were half right. As a reward, here is a picture of Max the 15 week old Husky who mom met yesterday on her vacation in Colorado. (Don’t worry about us in New York, because a pet-sitter we love is staying with us).



Hi, I'm Colorado Max! I'm a puppy!

Hi, I’m Colorado Max! I’m a puppy!


And here is a beautiful area in Colorado, where mom is.


Mom saw this today on her walk.

Mom saw this today on her walk.


So, what is the other breed  besides Husky?


Who am I?

Who am I?


Drum rolls…timber wolf. I know, maybe mom cheated a little because she said “dog”. Cloud is spectacular, but mom will probably need to mention that it is not recommended that most people adopt a wolf hybrid. Wolves are not domesticated animals, and frequently they become destructive or aggressive. There are some states where it is illegal to breed or adopt or “keep” them. Here are a couple of resources if you know someone who has adopted one and needs help.

W.O.L.F. Sanctuary

Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center


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“Don’t think, just link!”

Thanks to Ruckus the Eskie and Love is being owned by a husky for hosting!

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