It’s Black and White Sunday. This is Twinkle speaking. My full name is Twinkle Toes Jubilee Cramer. I’ve come a long way to be here. I’m told I hale from South Carolina. More about that another time. Now I’m a New York City pup, with all its perks and noises. I’d better hurry if I want to finish this post before Black and White Sunday is over. That’s the trouble in New York. Never enough time to do everything a pup has to do.
Even so, have you ever noticed that Sundays can be a little boring? Especially if you know that you have to go to Obedience School on Monday, or to the vet for a follow-up on something. Not that I have to do those things, but….
My sister, Livvie was snoozing on the couch. Sometimes I think of her as my mother. My human mom says that I might have been weaned too early, but maybe that’s an old wives’ tale. She says that lots of humans experience that phenomenon as well, but it has nothing to do with weaning per se.
My brother Kessie was off somewhere getting his alone time. Actually sometimes I think of him as my mother too. I think that might be why be I twinkle so much. I have a lot of care-takers now, who love me. I was born in a puppy mill, and rescued at ten weeks old. (By Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network, although I am not a Cairn).
So Livvie and I were asleep on the couch, and boredom was tiptoeing around our apartment on chilly toes.
I began to pitch back and forth, and felt myself to be on a ship, at the helm. All the beings on the ship were taking orders from me, and my paws were on the big brass wheel, steering. I was barking my soul out in an Irish shanty song!
I became so famous as a Dog-Sailor that millions clamored for a close-up picture of me.
We are participating in Black and White Sunday, hosted by Sugar the Golden Retriever and Dachshund Nola. We thank them for hosting!