Monday Mischief Livvie the Possession Wizard


It’s Monday Mischief and I will hereby be known as Livvie the Possession Wizard.


Livvie reporting. Believe me, not the human.

Livvie reporting. Believe my version of the story, not the human’s.


Ok. I understand how it looks. (By the way, this is Livvie).

So we had this visit planned. Aunt Anne and cousin Jessie were coming over. We were all excited. I love them. Jessie and I race around the apartment so fast and whirly that you can’t see us.  Did I mention how I feel about Anne?  Well, you will see.


It started out well.

It started out well.


We were all sitting on Aunt Anne’s lap. Everyone was happy. She was talking to us and telling each one of us, Jessie, Kessie, Twinkle and I, that we were special, her baby, etc etc. I was just loving it, but I was subtly trying to get the idea across that the other pups should all leave, and I should really be the only dog on Auntie’s lap.


This is my cousin Jessie on the left.

This is my cousin Jessie on the left.


Jessie jumped off the couch to go sit on mom’s lap. I allowed Kessie and Twinkle to stay on the couch with me and My Auntie.


See how she favors me?

See how she favors me?


Suddenly Jessie tried to jump back up not Auntie’s lap


Jessie trying to come back up.

Jessie trying to come back up.


And this happened:





I say I was casually yawning. Mom and Auntie beg to differ. I was in trouble. I got a talking to.


Mommy gave me a lecture

Auntie kept her composure and Mommy gave me a lecture


Jessie got invited back up


I'm sticking my tongue out

I’m sticking my tongue out


We returned to harmony. No one got hurt. But mom considered it pretty big mischief!


It’s Monday Mischief Blog Hop , hosted by Snoopy’s Dog Blog, My Brown Newfies and Alfie’s Blog. We thank them for hosting!

