Rest In Peace Darling Matilda


My love is with you

My love is with you

I’m so sorry to tell everyone that Matilda died today at 5pm. She had a happy day until she somehow put her foot down the wrong way and her humerus fractured due to  osteosarcoma. With greyhounds, even a little bit of compromised bone from cancer can cause a fracture at the slightest provocation. This is what happened. At thirteen and a half, with unsteady limbs in general, amputation wasn’t an option. A cancerous bone cannot be repaired, and osteosarcoma is excruciatingly painful. She was given pain meds almost immediately, and x-rayed. Many of her friends came to sit with her to speak to her, thank her, give her love and send her off. One of her favorite people besides me, Rafaela, came to be with us as she began her journey to wherever it is that she will go. I love the rainbow bridge. I hope it is something like that.

Of course, I am splitting in two emotionally. I think this has been the hardest loss out of all the beautiful, loving dogs I’ve been privileged to have in my life. All these months that she had Lymphoma, and then went into remission have been difficult. One always fears the worst when the pup has strange symptoms. Underlying everything in my life has been the constant buzz-hum of worry.  Worry about and love for  Matilda have been the heartbeats of my life. The reality of her absence is confusing, as death always is at first.  I want to keep her spirit alive, and will keep her blog going.

After all, it is Matilda’s Journey. The conversation continues, and we are all a part of her journey. She will stay with me and you, even if you have never met her. Many of you have sensed her  amazing, healing, gentle, accepting presence. I will keep writing about her, and when I feel her presence, you will know about it. There will not be any new pictures of her, but I will post many pictures of her that I may not have posted before. Even blurry ones. And sometime I may start a foundation, Matilda’s Journey, to raise money to help people pay for their dogs’ cancer treatment.

Her siblings will also be treading along Matilda’s Journey. Livvie and Kessie seem a little lonely for her already.