Here We Go Again, Trying to Post

tilscrossedlegsmay2013Happy Monday! Matilda the greyhound sends her best wishes and greyhound leans and nuzzles to everyone.This morning she was insistent that we start our day, prancing around a bit, and poking me with her snout. Yay Matilda. She walked further than she has in a long long time–almost two blocks, and her panting was decreased. She even ate at her bowl stand, and didn’t need me to feed her or bring her food to her on her dog bed.  Now she is sleeping with one paw wrapped around the other, and waiting for her blog to become functional so new pictures can be put up, and her philosophy of life can be expanded. She also awaits word of Coby the Golden Retriever’s skin infection condition. They both are patiently waiting to have a visit. It really has been weeks since they’ve seen each other.