Everyone seems to be barking about their New Year’s resolutions. Here at Cramerzoo we are a little bit more anarchical, if that is a human word. This is Livvie, and I wanted to introduce you to something mom calls intention, or, in Hebrew, kavanah. Each day, we all set our intention for the day. It usually is something like “love and respect yourself and others”, or “sit on command more often,” no…. not really. The first one, yes. Later Mom likes to make lists of what there is to be accomplished. Each day is a new start, she says. That way, there is nothing to be broken or abandoned. It isn’t a contest, a competition. She always says, “Never give up!” Whatever your intention or intentions are for that day ends at the end of the day. It doesn’t mean that she doesn’t make plans, but that is simply what she calls them, plans. So Kessie and I decided that our intentions are: to love more and to wear more hats.
All the best to everyone! And remember: Love more and wear more hats!
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