Veterans Day In NYC: Puppies Behind Bars and A Young ROTC Student

New York City has the largest Veterans Day Parade in the nation. Today was my first time attending. I immediately ran into an friendly, polite young man named Felix Bonilla. He and his fellow high school student colleagues are members of the Naval Junior ROTC.  He says that they do lots of community service, and that ROTC’s aim for them is turning them from “civilians into leaders.”  Felix has many medals on his chest, and is a leader already. His goal is to join the marines when he graduates from William Allen High School in Allentown, Pa. After he completes his boot camp, he will go to school for his particular interest while serving. These High School students do not have to be in the military to be in this ROTC group.


Felix Bonilla, in NYC Veteran's Day Parade

Felix Bonilla, in NYC Veteran’s Day Parade


His teammates were serious about their synchronized exercises while waiting for their turn to march.


Felix's group

Felix’s group


Next I met Brandy, a representative of Puppies Behind Bars. This program teams prison inmates with eight week old puppies, and the inmates raise and train them as Service Dogs for veterans who have been wounded while deployed, (and/or have PTSD and/or Traumatic Brain Injury).  I did not get a chance to further interview Brandy, because she and her person were on the move! I will certainly be researching this program!


Brandy, Service Dog

Brandy, Service Dog


Next, I saw these amazing women who were in beautiful synchronization!


Amazing synchronized women

Amazing synchronized women


Last is this lone firefighter who was kind enough to pose for his picture!


Lone Firefighter

Lone Firefighter