Do Something Noble for An Adorable Cairn Terrier: Adopt!

Hey there people, I know, I'm pretty cute!

Hey there people! I know I’m pretty cute!

This week’s Cairn, little Cloak, presents us with a sad story. She was in a breeding facility until she was nine. Need I tell you what these facilities are like? Suffice it to say that little Cloak was rescued with some others, and was quite frightened by just about anything, including people.  See her Intake story:


Cloak came to feel secure in her little fortress that was and still is a dog bed in a safe place. Little by little she learned to do things like play with her foster sibling dogs. Her greatest progress came when her foster mom lifted her into bed with her, and Cloak learned to feel comfortable in close proximity, and one time nuzzled her. In the daylight, however, Cloak still needed to retreat to her bed. So her needs are not huge. She is content to stay in her dog bed a lot of the time, but will go out to play and potty. You can see her profile here: .  Why not also  also fill out an adoption application form.

Take me home! I am a darling!

Take me home! I am a darling!

So this adoption is clearly for the dog herself, a noble adoption. One might think that this is not going to be the most affectionate, cuddly pup. Dog lovers know though, that somehow, the dog always teaches us, gives us way more than we could ever imagine. Cloak will be that dog, I’m certain. She is in need, but in the act of helping, the helper will be helped.

Col. Potter Cairn Rescue is the amazing group that brought this sweet girl to her foster home in Kansas. Usually they will transport the dog to wherever you are, if you are in the US or Canada. With Cloak, this will not be the case. She is vulnerable emotionally, and will need an adopter not too far away. I know we will find that special person or family.