Hi! Livvie here at the keyboard. It all began last Monday, culminating in the coup de grace of mischief on Friday. Lets start at the beginning. Mom thought it would be a good thing for us to have our physicals, and off we went to our vet.
This was the site of mischief number one. At first Kessie was the King of the waiting room.
There were birds in the waiting room! I managed to get some shots of Kessie trying to make sense of this.
I, on the other hand, was a little stressed, but managed to do a “down” and do some breathing. I got only a little bit of relief before the kind vet announced that I needed to have some teeth removed. Mom got quiet and said “Zut alors! Terrible mischief!”
Fast forward to Friday. Mom drops me off at the vet for my dental, and then begins to wander around in a daze. She spies the doorways below. Eegad! she says, and skedaddles.
Luckily I am OK. My teeth hurt and mom gives me medicine and soft food. This is ugly Mischief. I want to chew on my chew bones!!!!!!!
Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief!