Black and White Sunday


It has been a while since I’ve participated in Black and White Sunday. Since Matilda’s death, a weariness has settled over me. Snow and ice do their part. Into this emptiness twitter has crept. I must admit to having an advanced case of twitter addiction. But not just any twitter. The AniPal communities. I’m sure I need a twelve step group, but I don’t want to give it up. I love my  Livvie’s twitter friends. I hope to be more present soon though!


I look so tiny!

I look so tiny!


I hope it is OK that the other photo isn’t completely black and white.  I’ve been missing Matilda and the poodles, Allie and Mouschi so very much.


Matilda and Allie Poodle 2009

Matilda and Allie Poodle 2009


Thanks to Sugar the Golden Retriever and Dachshund Nola for hosting!

