Matilda continues to heal

Matilda had chemo today, and it went well. She continues to be on the mend. It seems so ironic, because she also continues to age. At thirteen, she is having a little trouble with arthritis in her back legs. Last night she couldn’t get up on the bed, and became agitated. I brought her dog bed in and put it right next to the bed. She paced and paced and panted and panted, but finally settled in with a treat. We will see what will happen tonight. Image

6 thoughts on “Matilda continues to heal

  1. houndstooth4 says:

    Could laying down be a little uncomfortable for her? I know when Lilac got really long in the tooth, it was a lot harder for her to settle at night. We started giving her a little Melatonin to help her sleep and a little pain meds on nights when she seemed a little fussy. I hope tonight is a better night!

  2. Terry Cramer says:

    Thanks so much for your suggestion. Once she realized that she couldn’t get up on the bed, she lay down on her very comfy dog bed right next to the bed, and was fine. On subsequent nights, she has not tried to get up, but gets onto her dog bed and seems ok. We have been considering some meds for her arthritis, but she seems calm for the most part. She simply can’t do all the things she used to be able to do. Melatonin is an interesting concept. I didn’t know that dogs could take it.

  3. Cindy Gingrich says:

    Hello — I just started reading about your Matilda and am so happy her treatment is going well. I have a grey girl, Molly, 5 yrs. old. I’m a canine massage therapist and would highly recommend it for your girl’s back leg pain. No side effects!

    • cramercare says:

      Oh Cindy, I wish you lived near us. We are in Brooklyn, NY. I would love to get Matilda some massage therapy!! Today she really was frightening me.

      • Hi Terry, I wish I was close enough to help your girl! I can recommend someone in Brooklyn — Lon Black, at the Hope Veterinary Clinic. He attended the same massage school in MA as I did and is highly regarded. I can send Matilda reiki from here, which I will do! Hope she’s doing better soon —

        I have no blog, but will add my massage web page below.

        • cramercare says:

          Zac is beautiful!

          We used to use Hope Vet as our vet. The problem I have is that it is very hard to transport Matilda because she doesn’t travel well, and I don’t have a car. I am already spending a fortune on a Pet Taxi once a week for Matilda’s chemo and blood work appointments. The past two weeks, we also went two extra times to the vet. I also have to work a lot to pay for the exorbitant chemo. Maybe Lon could recommend someone who could come to the house. I will ask around.

          Thanks a lot. Your website is very nice!,


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