Kes, Matilda’s brother

Kes, Matilda's brother

I wanted to tell you about my little brother. He’s only been with us since September, and mom says that he came from somewhere called Louisiana. We have a blog friend from Louisiana, Miss (K9) Harper Lee. So my brother, Kessie did something special this morning. He was extremely busy sniffing this pear tree and some stuff under the tree. A fire engine was passing by and the siren was so loud. Kessie, almost as an obligation lifted his head briefly and did a little howl, and then back to his sniffing at the base of the tree. Mom was laughing pretty hard. Kessie is a character.


4 thoughts on “Kes, Matilda’s brother

  1. catchatcaren says:

    Kessie is a cutie. Thank you for introducing him to us.

  2. What fun that Kessie is from Louisiana. Do you know what city? I live in Baton Rouge, and I spend lots of time visiting New Orleans with my humans. I don’t think that Kessie and I met when he lived here, because I would have remembered that handsome face!

  3. cramercare says:

    Oh Miss Harper Lee, Kessie is from Vermilion Parish. He came from a terrible place called a “Rabies Control Unit” run by the police. They gather up all the stray dogs and cats and they were gassing them until maybe a month ago. Can you believe this? We think maybe Kessie’s person surrendered him, maybe not knowing. Maybe Kessie’s person died and then bad things happened to him. Did you ever go to Vermilion Parish Miss Harper Lee? Kessie told me that he always wanted to visit Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Somehow, a Vermilion Parish rescue group arranged for him (and some other dogs) to go to Brooklyn, NY with a nice human (from a rescue group in Brooklyn with a funny name), and after a while he came to us!! We love him.

    P.S. My mom was reading James Lee Burke books, that take place in the very same place at the very time we adopted Kessie. Also, Livvie, my sister is also from Louisiana, but we don’t know where.

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