Guardian Angel Matilda Says: Adopt Tohoe the Cairn Terrier!

Tohoe’s story is heart-breaking, but inspiring. This little sprite lost his home in March because his guardians lost their home. Tohoe and his little Yorkie/Poodle fur brother found themselves in a shelter. Even sadder was when the little brother was adopted and Tohoe was left behind. His spirits fell and his anxiety grew. Little did he know that his fortune was about to shift. Someone at the shelter reached out to Col. Potter Cairn Rescue, a wonderful group that does the very best for their dogs. You can see his Intake Story here:

Can't you picture me on your lap?

Can’t you picture me on your lap?

When he arrived at his foster home in Connecticut (by the way, Col. Potter transports all over the country and some parts of Canada), he was extremely stressed. His shelter experience and the separations from his people and dog brother had done a number on him. He was so anxious that he would fall asleep sitting up because he couldn’t relax enough to lie down. This is where I could really feel the tears coming on. But the good news is that he began to calm down after a week, and has now become one of the more mellow dogs in the world!  He started to enjoy belly rubs to the point that he will tap your hand to continue if he wants a longer belly rub. He began to feel safe and loved and was always at his foster mom’s side, unless he  found a really great sunny spot somewhere in another room.  He also likes his Cairn foster brother. He greets everyone politely and adores walks, and loves eating. He is house-broken. He is very patient and laid back. His foster mom says…”he is a very loyal, easy-going fellow who would make any adoptive person or family very happy.”

I'm getting ready for a belly rub...

I’m getting ready for a belly rub…

Please go see his profile on the Col. Potter site! Why not fill out an application form while you are there, and remember that although he is 11 years old, these sturdy little dogs live long lives. Scoop this precious guy up!

12 thoughts on “Guardian Angel Matilda Says: Adopt Tohoe the Cairn Terrier!

  1. Linda Bagley says:

    Be still my heart, what an absolute adorable little man. The persons or people that adopt him will be very lucky.

  2. Angel Roeder says:

    He is a real doll. Thank you for featuring Tohoe.

  3. emma says:

    He looks so sad.

    • Terry Cramer says:

      But I think he’s getting happier by the day. He really likes his foster home, and when someone adopts him, I think he will feel very loved in his forever home.

  4. I love the older ones! He will make a some lucky person a perfect companion.

  5. houndstooth says:

    Aww! Poor little guy! Little dogs wouldn’t fare too well at my house, but I sure hope he finds one that will work out well for him!

    • Terry Cramer says:

      I hope he finds his forever home soon too. I think my guys would be too crazy for him, and my Kessie is not so good with other dogs. I am going to have to work with him, so that when we are ready, we can bring another pup in without Kessie flipping his lid.

  6. Poor sweetie! I really do hate when shelters adopt out siblings separately, but I know that sometimes they feel they need to.
    So glad that he is adapting and settling in at his foster home… hope he is adopted really soon, because I would hate for him to get really attached to his foster family just to be uprooted again.

    • Terry Cramer says:

      I know, but part of his stress was the shelter itself. I do feel so sad for him. We expect so much of dogs. My Kessie went though something like that. He got so attached to his foster mom, that they were having trouble getting him adopted. The dog in that situation has to go to THE most loving home. Like you or me or many of our wonderful blogging (and non-blogging) friends. Kessie is so happy here.

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