Black and White Sunday: Livvie’s Double Decker Bed

Livvie and Kessie have been missing their sister Matilda. They’ve been sniffing her dog beds and searching for her. Last night Livvie found a way of coping. She built a new type of dog bed. She brought her small dog bed onto Matilda’s large one.

Bed on Bed

Bed on Bed

I've found a solution!

I’ve found a solution!

Now she will be comfortable and still feel Matilda’s embrace. But wait! Kessie likes it too!

Let me try this out!

Let me try this out!


Two on Double Decker Bed

Two on Double Decker Bed


12 thoughts on “Black and White Sunday: Livvie’s Double Decker Bed

  1. emma says:

    That is so sweet of them!

  2. Sugar says:

    That’s Sooo SWEET! and I do agree the best solution. Happy Black n White Sunday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. Rob K says:

    OMG that is the sweetest cutest thing ever!

  4. Oh, sweet babies… this warms my heart and breaks it at the same time. I know you understand what I mean.

  5. I am so sorry for your recent loss…we are still going through the same thing… paws and prayers are with you.

  6. houndstooth says:

    Aww! That is just beyond sweet!

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