Monday Mischief

Our mischief today is this: We Don’t Want To Go Out…Leave us on our blankies!!!!!!

Whaaaat? You want us to brave the cold?

Whaaaat? You want us to brave the cold?


There! That’s the idea!



Ok. This is better.

Ok. This is better.















This is a Blog Hop hosted by Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies.  Click here to enter.



10 thoughts on “Monday Mischief

  1. emma says:

    Oh boy…you have to get out in the snow and cold, it is so much fun!

  2. LOl I can sympathize. the cold is not my favorite. brown dawgs don’t seem to mind!

  3. They are so cute and look so comfy.

  4. followingroy says:

    Snuggling in the blankie is definitely the smart choice!
    Roy & Shefali

  5. houndstooth says:

    I know the feeling all too well!

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