Little Twinkle is curious about Black and White Sunday. “How odd”! she barks. “Why does new mom keep taking pictures of me”? she whines. “Where is my chew toy”?
Kessie and Twinkle and I (Livvie) have been playing musical chairs, couches and sofas. Right now is Twinkle’s turn in the nice little dog bed. Kessie and I get the sofa.
Mom says the pictures are better when the sun is out. She says maybe then I will be in the little dog bed. I ask, “Is that all there is to life? Is a dog’s life so predictable? Let’s shake things up mom”! Mom says, “Look at little Twink. She sleeps in dog beds the way Matilda used to–with her hanging out on the floor”!
Twink said she wanted to trade with me and re-claim the sofa.
Now I will show you how Twinkle gets comfy.
That is it! That’s our Black and White Sunday!! Come join us in musical couches, chairs dog beds and chairs!
Thanks to Dachshund Nola and Sugar the Golden Retriever for hosting this Blog Hop!